Teachers and poetry education: analysis of a continuing education experience in the Chilean context
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permanent education
teacher education
poetry didáctica
formación continua
formación de profesores

How to Cite

Munita, F. (2023). Teachers and poetry education: analysis of a continuing education experience in the Chilean context. Aula Abierta, 52(4), 351–358. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.4.2023.351-358


This article is placed in the line of research on the teaching of poetry. Based on a permanent education experience conceived as a Teachers as Readers Group, this qualitative study is aimed at observing the possible incidence of this formative instance in the evaluation that secondary education teachers make of poetic works, as well as in the didactic proposals they develop about them. This is done through the analysis of the self-confrontation writings of seven teachers who reflect on their own comments on texts and their didactic proposals about a poetry picturebook, as well as data from interviews. The results report a positive incidence in aspects such as the consideration of the reader or the importance of socialization between readers as a pivotal part of literary education. Finally, this paper discusses the need to move towards the construction of professional learning communities that open a path to development for the constraints that affect teachers in the field of teaching poetry in the classroom.

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