Motivation, homework approaches and academic performance in high school students
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cognitive style
secondary education deberes
estilo cognitivo
enseñanza secundaria

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Vieites, T., Iglesias, A., Díaz-Freire, F. M., Díaz-Pita, L., & Rodríguez-Llorente, C. (2024). Motivation, homework approaches and academic performance in high school students. Aula Abierta, 53(3), 229–237.


For homework to positively affect students’ academic performance, students must be engaged in it. Previous research has mostly focused on analyzing students’ behavioral engagement with homework but has superficially addressed their motivational and cognitive engagement. The aim of the study was to analyze the differences in the academic performance –average score in Spanish, English, and Mathematics– of students in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) according to different motivational –intrinsic motivation, interest, perceived usefulness, and attitude–, and cognitive –deep and shallow work approach– variables related to homework, taking into account possible differences according to gender and grade. A total of 677 ESO students from 11 schools in Galicia (Spain) participated in the study. The results suggest that students with better academic performance scored higher in interest, attitude, intrinsic motivation, perceived usefulness and deep approach to homework than those with a medium or low involvement. Likewise, female students would be more motivationally and cognitively involved than their male peers. Finally, motivation and the adoption of a deep work approach decrease throughout this educational stage.
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