Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess the geographic knowledge of third-year Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) students in the Balearic Islands
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Compulsory Secondary Education, geographic knowledge, expert judgment, pilot test. Educación secundaria Obligatoria, conocimientos geográficos, juicio de expertos, prueba piloto

How to Cite

Binimelis Sebastian, J., Muntaner Guasp, J. J., Pons Esteva, A., & Gómez Gonçalves, A. (2024). Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess the geographic knowledge of third-year Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) students in the Balearic Islands. Aula Abierta, 53(3), 239–246.


This study is the first stage of a research project that examines the geographic knowledge of third-year ESO students. The article is aimed at designing and validating a questionnaire to assess the geographic knowledge of third-year ESO students. For this purpose, an ad-hoc questionnaire consisting of two sections was designed. The first section is arranged into four parts: items about sociodemographic, educational, and socioeconomic data; items about spatial competence; items about the local dimension; and items about the global dimension. The second section proposes online PLK assessment exercises. The validity of the questionnaire was tested by a panel of experts who determined the sufficiency, coherence, relevance, and clarity of each item. Reliability was established through a pilot test used on 136 students, and applying the Kuder-Richardson formula, which estimated a reliability value above KR 0,68 for each of the measurement scales. Thus, this instrument offers sufficient guarantees to assess the geographic literacy of third-year ESO students and provides a tool to determine the learning achievements in the area of geography that are promoted by certain interventions that are part of the general project envisaged.
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