The duoviri in the Lex Irittana. II. Honestity before and during the exercise of the magistracy
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Lex Irnitana
lex Ursonensis
honestidad de los magistrados Lex Irnitana
lex Ursonensis
honestity of the magistrates

How to Cite

Torrent, A. (2016). The duoviri in the Lex Irittana. II. Honestity before and during the exercise of the magistracy. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(17), 105–144. Retrieved from


The fight against corruption of the Roman governors and local magistrates, intensified in the final century of the Republic against the rulers in the indictment against Verres, propraetor of Sicily during years 73 to 71 and against local magistrates in the Table of Heraclea 49 and the lex Ursonensis 44 B. C., which takes up the lex Irnitana 91 A. C. But this demand of honesty in management and an unblemished pro civitate public and private conduct of municipal magistrates was surpassed in later times due to the lack of candidates to perform the local magistrates..
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