No. 24 (2020)


Amparo Montañana, Carmen Lázaro
En recuerdo de Enrique Gómez Royo
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Bernardo Periñán
The doctrine of “one’s own acts” and Roman law: a proposal to read D. 1,7,25 pr. (Ulp. 5 opin.)
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Rafael Bernad
Another example of the influence of Roman law in the current law: by purpose of transmission of personal property
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Carmen López Rendo, María José Azaustre
Prorogation of jurisdiction and habitual residence in the European succession regulation: romanistic foundations
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Beatriz García Fueyo
Approximation to the legal nature of the judge’s sportulae: donation, remuneration and fee
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Olivia Castro, Ana Edith Canales
Historically, marriage has been the foundation of family beside being a legal institution, which in turn represents the basis of society, the same society that has helped it evolve through the ages (Cfr. Koschaker, Paul, Europa y el Derecho Romano, Madrid, Wittman, 1995, p. 1 y ss.), as to what originates it and who can contract it, marriage as a legal act generates a bond between the parties that has such a dissoluble character and despite a few details throughout its history it has always been like that. To explain the dissolution of the marriage bond, we will first analyze the figure of marriage, as it was and as it is today, which leads us to analyze and understand the different figures by means of which a marriage can be dissolved. In the same way we can determine if these figures have evolved or have remained valid in the legislation through the times.
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Lydia Noriega
The legal framework for the child protection under Spanish regulation
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Elena Marey
The notion of law (lex) of Isidore of Seville and its Roman sources
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Santiago Castán
The role of women in political and social spheres was strongly reinforced throughout the 1st century BC. From the privacy of their homes they were able to influence politicians and thus participate, although indirectly, at specific moments in the political history of that time. The article analyzes the different ways in which women, through men, intervened in the essentially masculine world of politics and the reactions of their contemporaries.
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Aurora López Güeto
Alessio Guasco. L’indegnità a succedere tra bona ereptoria e diritto di rapresentazione. Satura Editrice, Napoli, 2018, 179pp
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Alicia Valmaña
Santiago Castán. Discapacidad y Derecho romano. Condiciones de vida y limitaciones jurídicas de las personas ciegas, sordas, mudas, sordomudas y discapacidad psíquica, intelectual y física en la Roma antigua, Editorial Reus, Madrid, 2019, 291pp
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Luis Rodríguez Ennes
Barcia Lago, Modesto. La arena del foro: el mundo de la justicia ante el espejo de la sátira, Dykinson, Madrid, 2020, 311pp
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Adolfo Díaz-Bautista
Obarrio, Juan Alfredo. Un estudio sobre la antigüedad: la apología de Sócrates. Dykinson, Madrid, 2018, 211pp
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Alfonso Murillo
Teresa Duplá. Estudios de Derecho de sucesiones. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2019, 302pp
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