
JCR 2024 released

June 20, 2024

Today, the Journal Citation Reports 2024 has been released, incorporating significant new features by unifying the rankings of journals in both collections (Core Collection and Emerging Sources) of Web of Science.

Our journal Aula Abierta has increased its Journal Impact Factor (JIF) compared to the previous year, achieving a JIF of 1.2 in 2023. Additionally, it has entered the second quartile (Q2), positioned 370/756, and has increased its citations to nearly 500.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who, in one way or another, contributes to making this possible: the entire editorial team (academic, technical, and administrative) and all the reviewers, who work very hard and completely selflessly; all the authors for trusting Aula Abierta, and of course, those who read the articles and find them valuable enough to cite in their research.

We want to remind everyone that Aula Abierta is a University of Oviedo journal committed to Open Science. It does not charge any fees for reading or publishing articles. This occasionally results in an increased workload for our editorial tasks, which may delay our decisions, for which we apologize and thank the authors for their understanding.

Read more about JCR 2024 released

SJR index 2023 released

April 13, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Aula Abierta obtained an SJR index of 0.385 in 2023, placing it in the second quartile (Q2) of the Education category. This is good news that encourages us to continue working altruistically for Open Science from a public university, while maintaining editorial quality in Spanish and English. Thanks to all the people who participate in the editorial process, to the authors who trust in Aula Abierta, and to those who find our publications interesting.

Read more about SJR index 2023 released