Reading difficulty risk prevention in first-year Primary School children
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How to Cite

Ramos Trigo, A. ., Conde Rodríguez, . ángeles ., Alfonso Gil, . S. ., & Deaño Deaño, . M. . (2014). Reading difficulty risk prevention in first-year Primary School children. Aula Abierta, 42(01), 15–21.


Among the range of programmes in reading intervention, those of direct teaching of reading skills should be highlighted, along with those that are based on cognitive processes and mediated education. The latter two allow progress to be made in learning reading skills and to improve cognitive processes. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of a cognitive and mediated reading programme of intervention in the processes of a consecutive codification in a group of pupils from 2nd year of Primary School aged between 6.11 and 8.08 years (M=7.07; SD=0.26). 12 out of 29 participants formed the control group, and the other 17 formed the experimental one. A programme of reinforcement of reading skills was applied to members of the experimental group with low marks in consecutive processing and reading achievement. The methodology of the programme is designed so that the process of learning to read takes place spontaneously by internalizing principles and strategies. The results showed an outstanding progress in the scores in the consecutive processing of the experimental group. The initial differences in the consecutive codification observed in both groups disappeared due to the effectiveness of the programme.
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