Written composition of narrative texts by deaf children in secondary education
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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Cáceres, R. . (2014). Written composition of narrative texts by deaf children in secondary education. Aula Abierta, 42(01), 22–27. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.42.01.2014.22-27


This paper analyzes the cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies used by deaf students in secondary education in the writing of narrative texts. The data was collected by using a "cognitive interview" and a questionnaireguide. A content analysis of interviews was subsequently applied according to a categories ranking system that has been validated by an "experts' judgment" procedure (Salvador & García, 2005). One of the main findings was that students generally do not have adequate knowledge of the cognitive process and the global act of writing. Furthermore, it should be noted that there is variability among deaf students, depending on their individual and contextual characteristics. From the diverse results obtained, it can be seen that deaf secondary school children have educational needs in order to improve skills related to cognitive and metacognitive processes of written composition.
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