Teachers and trainee teachers’ beliefs about family-school relationships

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López-Larrosa, S., Richards, A., Morao Rodríguez, S. A., & Gómez Soriano., L. (2019). Teachers and trainee teachers’ beliefs about family-school relationships. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 59–66. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.48.1.2019.59-66


Teachers’ and trainee teachers’ beliefs have been capturing the attention of researchers for the last few decades but beliefs about family-school relationships are not often addressed. In this study, participants were 133 teachers and 194 trainee teachers. Our aim was to compare their beliefs about family-school relationships and their self-efficacy to relate with families. We used the Beliefs about Family-School Relationships questionnaire comprised of 22 items that explore beliefs about collaboration, subordination (families should accept the teacher’s authority), delegation (families leaving education to the professionals), and self-efficacy to relate with families. Teachers and trainee teachers felt highly able to relate with families and support collaboration beliefs. Beliefs did not change with years of professional practice and training but there were intra and intergroup differences. Trainee teachers believed more in collaboration than qualified teachers did, and preschool teachers and trainee teachers believed more in collaboration and less in subordination and delegation compared to primary teachers and trainee teachers. These results have implications for teachers’ training and practice as the emphasis in collaboration is pervasive in policies and guidelines to relate with families.



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