A framework for school-family collaboration integrating some relevant factors and processes

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Deslandes, R. (2019). A framework for school-family collaboration integrating some relevant factors and processes. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 11–18. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.48.1.2019.11-18


Collaboration between the school and the family is increasingly privileged as one of the means to promote educational success and perseverance. This is based among other things on a sharing of responsibilities between parents and teachers. Although knowledge has evolved in relation to collaborative school-family relationships, it has far from developed in all Quebec schools. The division of responsibilities appears more rhetorical than practical More work must be done. The objectives of this paper are to (1) conduct an overview of parental involvement and school-family collaboration literature under the angles of concept definitions and influential factors; and drawing on Hoover-Dempsey et al.'s models (1997; 2010), (2) to propose an integrative model of factors and processes linked to parental involvement and school-family collaboration. It appears to be timely to have parents and teachers sitting together and share their vision in order to develop a common understanding and a collective vision of the current situation regarding school-family collaboration. The proposed integrative framework is intended to provide a tool to the main actors eager to engage in a reflective activity.




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