Problem solving with Polya’s technique using computational thinking and Scratch with Secondary School students
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Molina Ayuso, Álvaro, Adamuz Povedano, N., & Bracho López, R. (2020). Problem solving with Polya’s technique using computational thinking and Scratch with Secondary School students. Aula Abierta, 49(1), 83–90.


This article consists of an analysis of how the mathematical competence in problem solving, using the Polya’s technique, can be developed using computational thinking with Scratch as a transversal resource, checking how students use Polya’s technique while solving arithmetic problems. To know and internalize learning about this problem-solving heuristic, the student has worked previously this kind of thought process with computational thinking using the educational resource. The work has been put into practice using a mixed methodology, accomplishing a time-series experiment with non-substitutive pretest measures. This information has been completed with a qualitative measurement with the student’s own perception about their learning process during the development of the empirical experience. To carry out the implementation of this experimental design, the students have done a series of tasks designed with Scratch and developing a project to create a videogame based on solving arithmetic problems. The outcomes show positive results using this methodology and a useful implementation of the computational thinking as a transversal resource in Mathematics, not only improving the mathematical competence but also the linguistic. An important improvement is observed in the reading and comprehension of the statement of the problem, essential process to carry out good resolution of a problematic situation faced by a student using a problem-solving technique.

Keywords: Programming Languages, Computer Science Education, problem solving, Secondary school Mathematics, computational thinking.
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