The contribution of the education technical assistant (ATE) for the development of full inclusion
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Verger Gelabert, S., Chover, L., & Rosselló Ramón, M. R. (2020). The contribution of the education technical assistant (ATE) for the development of full inclusion. Aula Abierta, 49(2), 171–176.


This study focuses on a professional group which has been ignored until now: education technical assistant. Through a mixed design that combines the application of the SACIE-R questionnaire and the in-depth interview, in which 32 subjects participated, the profile and the work carried out by this professional group are analyzed, with the aim of describing and assessing which function assumes in school, as well as its contribution to the inclusion of students with special educational needs. The Office Excel program was used to analyze the quantitative data; instead, qualitative data were processed using the Atlas.ti software.
The data collected support the conclusion that we are facing a poorly known professional profile, whose task does not always meet the demands and realities of the social needs of students with disabilities, which means missing valuable support for inclusion. The need to move towards the creation of multidisciplinary teams that work from cooperation to achieve higher quality educational goals is emphasized. Inclusive community policies and educational innovation initiatives should be very aware of this group, since it acts as a true bridge between the social and educational fields.

Key words: Inclusive education; social inclusion; educational technical assistant; collaborative support
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