Is it possible to improve education from the schools? The role of the school organisation in the internal processes of change
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Ceballos López, N., & Saiz Linares, Ángela. (2020). Is it possible to improve education from the schools? The role of the school organisation in the internal processes of change. Aula Abierta, 49(2), 151–158.


We analyze the functioning of some dimensions of the school organization that have enabled that an innovative experience initially circumscribed to two classrooms of a school in Cantabria has progressively expanded and become a project that involves the whole school. This study of the internal processes of change in school organization, carried out in 2017/2018, is based on an ethnographic study of this case chosen for its differential and particular characteristics, and is aimed at answering one fundamental question: what is the relevance of the school organization in the processes of educational improvement? Our sample refers to all agents of the school and the information gathering techniques are: participant observations, focus groups and document analysis. We carry out a content analysis that reveals some keys that facilitate innovation that involve the whole school: the revision of school cultures based on dialogical processes that involve the different agents of the community; the creation of structural conditions (times and spaces) destined for exchange; a leadership team that dynamizes the collaboration and generates these physical structures from distributed leadership; the recovery of pedagogical autonomy as a fundamental key to develop changes coherent with the educational reality of the school.

Keywords: Organization and management; Leadership; Educational autonomy; Educational innovations; Ethnography
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