Evaluation in the Heritage Education. 20 years of research and congresses of ICOM
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Calaf Masachs, R., Gutiérrez Berciano, S., & Suárez Suárez, M. Ángel. (2020). Evaluation in the Heritage Education. 20 years of research and congresses of ICOM. Aula Abierta, 49(1), 55–64. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.49.1.2020.55-64


The efforts to classify are logical mechanisms to understand reality. In Natural Sciences, a taxon specifies its phylogeny (Kingdom), class, order, family, gender and species. In this way, it is intended to discover patterns for formalization. In Social Sciences, saving the distances, the tendency is similar and it is oriented to discover the sociocultural, political, economic codes… for the formalization of schemes or models. The classification character prevails in both fields. With the intention of claiming the importance of phylogenesis, and recovering this idea of ordering, a bibliographical study of the scientific production of Heritage Education is carried out. A documentary review and analysis of the content of specific Doctoral Theses and Congresses organized by ICOM in the last two decades is carried out. From a descriptive approach, the profile of the evaluations developed (purpose, study sample, methodology and techniques used) issues that specify the panoramic vision of the evaluation in this field of knowledge is identified. The results show how the evaluation has had a secondary role in the field of heritage education until recent times, when it seems that the concern for quality has influenced the growing interest in the evaluation.

Keywords: Heritage Education, Evaluation, Bibliographic review, Documentary analysis, Doctoral Thesis.

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