Heritage and heritage community: building a shared identity in a rural context
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Marqués Valea, X., Castro-Fernández, B. M., & López-Facal, R. V. (2020). Heritage and heritage community: building a shared identity in a rural context. Aula Abierta, 49(1), 25–34. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.49.1.2020.25-34


This paper presents an evaluation of an educational project based on the sense of identification with the immaterial cultural heritage of a school located in a rural community. The learning process of schoolchildren regarding the traditional carnival of the Ulla district (A Coruña) was analysed. The extent to which the project had an impact on the community and the process of the pupils’ identification with the traditions of their surrounding area was assessed. The experiment was performed outside of school hours and forms part of a broader project which began in 2016. The aim was to promote the construction of an inclusive identity in a rural community via the use of aspects of the local cultural heritage and intergenerational dialogue. In order to achieve this, the involvement of the community with the school was essential. Forty-four pupils of primary and secondary ages and 22 local adults participated in the experiment. Questionnaires and registers of the participants’ observations were used to gather data. The results show the importance and effectiveness of learning communities which transcend work carried out in the classroom. Teachers lack the incentive to become involved in such projects due to the fact that the workload and the extra effort required by such activities is not recognised or supported by the administration. However, the limited involvement of teachers was counteracted, to a large extent, by the collaboration of the local community.

Key words: Project evaluation, Heritage education, Place-based education, Rural community, Intergenerational dialogue

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