The ‘Learning to learn’ competence in bachelor’s degrees
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Pérez Pérez, C., García García, F. J., Vázquez Verdera, V., García Félix, E., & Riquelme Soto, V. (2020). The ‘Learning to learn’ competence in bachelor’s degrees. Aula Abierta, 49(3), 309–323.


Learning to learn is a key competence in the knowledge society. Regardless of popular considerations, university students need training for learning. Teachers require a robust and comprehensive theoretical model on this competence, which allows them to perform an effective curricular design in bachelor’s degrees. We build a theoretical model more comprehensive and integrative than those available. We focused on scientific literature to establish the model, and particularly on two main research lines that support the ‘learning to learn’ construct: the information processing theory, from the cognitive psychology, and the socio-cognitive approach. This model contains five dimensions: cognitive, metacognitive, affective-motivational, social-relational, and ethical. Based on this model, we proposed teaching and assessment options with a constructive alignment approach and using authentic tasks. This approach may lead to an easy inclusion of this competence in the subjects of bachelor’s degrees. We advocate an integrative method for its evaluation, considering the complexity of ‘learning to learn’ and using complementary assessment procedures.

Key words: learning to learn, university students, strategic learning, self-regulated learning.
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