How do Generations Z and Alpha learn from a teaching perspective? Implications for developing the learning to learn competence
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Castro, A., Patera, S., & Fernández, D. (2020). How do Generations Z and Alpha learn from a teaching perspective? Implications for developing the learning to learn competence. Aula Abierta, 49(3), 279–292.


The fast-paced changes and the uncertainty inherent in a liquid society make it more than ever necessary for students to acquire the learning to learn competence. This paper presents an international search following a qualitative approach in which, using interviews as a method for data collection, 80 Italian, Spanish and Uruguayan teachers have participated. The study aims to find out which are, from a teacher’s perspective, the defining characteristics of Generations Z and Alpha that currently attend school and how they learn, subsequently inferring the main lines of action to enhance learning to learn. The teachers of the three participating countries agree that students nowadays are remarkably different from those of years ago. They mention fascination with social media and low frustration tolerance, as well as a shorter attention span and an urge for immediacy. Following the results, the main lines of action to promote the learning to learn competence in schools are indicated.

Key words: Generation Z, Generation Alpha, learning to learn, competences, teachers.
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