Learn to learn in normative documents from the six countries participating in an international study. A critical depending from Ecuador and Mexico
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How to Cite

Patera, S., Silva, I., & Sáenz Zavala, F. (2020). Learn to learn in normative documents from the six countries participating in an international study. A critical depending from Ecuador and Mexico. Aula Abierta, 49(3), 225–244. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.49.3.2020.225-244


The complexity of Learning to Learn (L2L) stresses the need to make its presence and characterization more relevant within the national policies and curricula of the countries involved in this international research (Brazil, Ecuador, Italy, Spain, Mexico, and Uruguay); nevertheless, the cultural differences and similarities between countries should be taken into consideration. The motivation that underlies this article reflects the importance of analyzing how national policies and curricula outline learning to learn while considering its impact on teacher training and teaching.
The research question examines how the educational systems that regulate compulsory education in the aforementioned countries frame L2L within their policies and their curricula. The research considers the situational and contextual aspects referring to the thematization and development of this competence in each system.
Due to the complexity of the scenario, we use a qualitative research methodology. The results of the study display the complexity of L2L regarding the educational approach of each country considering that five countries introduce L2L in the curricular guidelines for some school levels and none of them presents resources to help teachers develop this competence.

Key words: learning competence, learning to learn, curricula, qualitative analysis, comparative analysis.

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