Learning to learn (L2L) is a central concept in individual development, yet frequently overlooked in curricula. It is a complex reflection upon learning mobilizing cognitive, metacognitive and socio-affective-motivational components, such as self-confidence, yielding one’s own learning knowledge, learning proactivity, better learning, and learning sharing. All this in order to face uncertainty and make sense of reality. Teachers are in a very important position to help students develop this hyper-competence. The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe L2L conceptions in Brazilian and Italian teachers, resulting in a particularly informative comparison. We employed a theory-practice-theory approach with a semi-structured interview adapted for use in both countries. Our descriptive analysis of 42 interviews shows that, overall, teachers hold a positive yet narrow L2L conception. Only a minority provided an elaborate definition, therefore teachers need specific training if they are to help students learn how to learn. Implications for policy making and future research are highlighted. Curricula need specific focus on L2L for teachers to implement it and researchers need to further explore relationships between L2L conception and teachers’ classroom practices.
Key words: learning to learn; learning to learn teachers’ definitions; comparative qualitative study on learning to learn; learning to learn in Brazil and Italy
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