Aprendizaje-Servicio y responsabilidad social del estudiantado universitario: un estudio con métodos univariantes y correlacionales
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Español Responsabilidad social
aprendizaje activo
competencias para la vida
investigación cuantitativa

How to Cite

Mayor Paredes, D., & Guillen-Gamez, F. D. (2021). Aprendizaje-Servicio y responsabilidad social del estudiantado universitario: un estudio con métodos univariantes y correlacionales. Aula Abierta, 50(1), 515–524. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.1.2021.515-524


The Service-Learning practices carried out by the students of the Faculties of Education, suppose a pedagogical approach oriented to training in real contexts and the development of social responsibility. The main purpose of this study is to know the students' perception of the importance of ApS projects and their social responsibility in community tasks, comparing their scores between different university degrees (Infant, Primary and Social) and the University Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teachers, to each sex. For this, a non-experimental ex post facto design is proposed through ad hoc surveys, and a sample of 506 students from different Faculties of Education in Spain, the results showed very satisfactory levels in student perceptions, for both sexes. However, the results determined that the participants of the Master, coming from degrees from different Faculties, obtained lower levels in their scores. These findings highlight that the involvement of students in ApS actions increases their social responsibility, requiring the need to design and implement training plans mainly in the latter type of student body.

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