Functional caption literacy development through intra-formal L2 viewing


caption literacy
intra-formal learning
L2 viewing literacidades digitales
aprendizaje intra-formal
L2 visualización

How to Cite

Alm, A., & Watanabe, Y. (2021). Functional caption literacy development through intra-formal L2 viewing . Aula Abierta, 50(2), 635–642.


Drawing on the digital literacies framework developed by Pegrum et al. (2018), this article proposes that caption literacy, a form of multimodal literacy, enhances the learning experiences of language learners who engage in self-directed second-language viewing. It presents a pedagogical approach referred to as intra-formal learning, which enables students in educational settings to build on previous digital learning experiences, such as watching Netflix TV series in a foreign language. Prior knowledge is extended through guided exploration of learning options (including caption use) and interaction between students who are encouraged to reflect on and share their learning experiences. This study investigates the developmental processes during the seven-week-long intervention. The development of functional caption literacy, going beyond the mechanical ability of operating subtitles, represents a critical ability for learner-viewers as it enables them to optimise viewing options in accordance with their processing capacities and preferences within their social context.



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