How computer assisted language learning literacy is conceptualized in research? The road thus far


CALL alfabetización, profesor de idiomas, alfabetización digital, revisión de literature CALL literacy, language teacher, digital literacy, literature review

How to Cite

Nami, F. (2021). How computer assisted language learning literacy is conceptualized in research? The road thus far. Aula Abierta, 50(2), 577–584.


For effective integration of any tool including digital technologies into their daily practices of teaching, language teachers need to develop their understanding of such technologies and develop their pedagogical knowledge to draw on them. In other words, they require relevant computer assisted language learning (CALL) literacy. While research on professional, technical, and digital literacies is growing, CALL literacy has not been adequately addressed in second and foreign language learning research. The present article features a comprehensive review of literature on the concept of digital and CALL literacy and offers implications for research in this regard.


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