Exclusion and discrimination against transgender identities in affective-sexual education
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sexual education
multiple-case study
young people
LGBT educación sexual
identidades trans
estudio de caso múltiple

How to Cite

Granero Andújar, A. (2021). Exclusion and discrimination against transgender identities in affective-sexual education. Aula Abierta, 50(4), 833–840. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.50.4.2021.833-840


This work aims to attain in-depth knowledge regarding the presence and treatment that transgender identities receive in affective-sexual education practices. As the focus of research, workshops implemented under the Forma Joven Program were conducted at two Secondary Education Institutes in the city of Almería. To this end, qualitative research was carried out, taking the multiple case study as a research strategy. The data collection tools used were the semi-structured in-depth interview, non-participatory observation, and document analysis. The results show the silencing and superficial treatment of this collective, coupled with the transmission of exclusionary conceptions and discriminatory values, such as ciscentrism, gender binarism and monosexuality. It is concluded that such practices, along with the exclusionary messages transmitted, contribute to the reproduction and legitimization of a stigmatized view of transgender identities that leads to them being perceived as abnormal, exceptional, and taboo for not being found in academic daily life.

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