Opening paths, embarking on new journeys: the curriculum as an experience of openness
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Creación curricular
Educación primaria
Indagación narrativa Curriculum
Curriculum making
Primary education
Narrative inquiry

How to Cite

Contreras Domingo, J., & Manrique Ruiz, G. (2021). Opening paths, embarking on new journeys: the curriculum as an experience of openness. Aula Abierta, 50(3), 665–672.


This article, through the narrative enquiry of stories experienced in a primary education class, shows a vision of the curriculum that understands it as a path that acquires unique developments and its own qualities in its course. It is the journey that makes up the curriculum, based on the stories experienced in the class and the stories of its protagonists, who are transformed in the process. A process of lives and stories in which the learning and knowledge of oneself and of the things of the world are inscribed. The text is structured on the basis of three stories that allow us to see: a) the importance of the invitation to walk the path, so that it can be indwelled by its protagonists; b) how the school curriculum enters into relation with the curriculum of personal lives, and c) the potential conflicts between external demands and personal trajectories.
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