The knowledge of primary school to teach statistics and probability: a systematic review.
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conocimiento del profesorado
revisión sistemática
Educación Primaria statistics
teacher knowledge
systematic review
primary education

How to Cite

Franco, J., & Alsina, Ángel. (2022). The knowledge of primary school to teach statistics and probability: a systematic review. Aula Abierta, 51(1), 7–16.


We present a systematic review of studies from the last 25 years (1997-2021) that analyse, from different models, the knowledge of primary school teachers to teach statistics and probability. Based on a review of the JCR/SSCI, Scopus, Eric, Google Academic, Science Direct, World Scientific, Springer and Wiley Online library databases, 34 studies were identified and analysed according to two objectives: 1) to identify the participants, the mathematical knowledge and the knowledge model used; 2) to identify, in the studies with in-service teachers, the data collection instruments and the results obtained. The results of the first objective show: 1) a predominance of studies with future teachers; 2) a greater number of studies on knowledge to teach probability; and 3) the most used models are the Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) and the Didactic-Mathematical Knowledge and Competences Model (CCDM). Regarding the second objective, the most used instrument is the questionnaire and the studies report low knowledge.
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