Critical Visual Literacy is a process by which meanings are interpreted and constructed from visual texts. Its practice reveals the ideological orientation of those who create the images, while awakening the social conscience of those who read them. The purpose of the present research was to determine how future Early Childhood Education teachers understand this practice. The methodology used was qualitative, by focusing on a case study for which a training plan was designed as a process in which the teachers began by reading the images, after which they had to relate these to the social and critical aspects of urban art. The initial results reveal different levels of understanding of the practice, as well as the difficulty involved in interpreting the meaning of the images and evaluating them critically. It is concluded that a limited number of the participants can analyze the intentionality of the creator of the work and a smaller percentage are aware of their own ideological positions. However, several are able to identify relevant social contents, which they consider from multiple perspectives.
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