Does children's and young people's literature influence the construction of gender stereotypes? Analysis of Responses from 5th and 6th Grade Primary School Students.
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Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
Educación Primaria Gender
Children's and Young Adult Literature
Primary Education

How to Cite

Rodríguez Olay, L. (2022). Does children’s and young people’s literature influence the construction of gender stereotypes? Analysis of Responses from 5th and 6th Grade Primary School Students. Aula Abierta, 51(3), 255–264.


This article develops the analysis of a block of questions posed to 2124 students in 5th and 6th grades of Primary School in which they were asked what they had learned after reading some of the books most read by boys and girls aged between 10 and 13 years in the report Reading Habits and Book Buying in 2018. The aim of this analysis was to test two hypotheses: that boys and girls are indeed influenced by YJL and that they construct various stereotypes, including gender stereotypes, from their reading, and that there are differences with regard to the learning that boys and girls extract from their reading. As the data collected show, there are indeed differences in the appreciations that boys and girls make of the readings which also leads to the conclusion that certain stereotypes are therefore generated, which are detailed here.
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