Teaching conceptions about democracy in education in Spain. A phenomenographic study
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Obligatory education
Spain Democracia
Educación obligatoria

How to Cite

Martinez Garrido, C., Hidalgo Farran, N., Márquez Vázquez, C., & Graña Oliver, R. . (2022). Teaching conceptions about democracy in education in Spain. A phenomenographic study. Aula Abierta, 51(3), 293–302. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.51.3.2022.293-302


This research seeks to understand the conceptions of democracy in teacher education in Spain. For this, a phenomenographic study is developed with 58 teachers selected based on the educational level they teach and the ownership of the school. The results indicate the existence of three categories of conceptions about what democracy in education is: i) that which refers to the participation of agents in the school and its functioning, ii) that which considers it as the sense of belonging and emancipation of the protagonists of the educational process and, iii) that which understands it as a social responsibility of the school and its protagonists. Knowing the teaching conceptions about democracy in education helps to advance towards an education in democracy in which democratic values are taught and everyone has the opportunity to live together and participate in decision-making processes.
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