Analysis of the face-to-face and online application of dialogic reading for people with intellectual disabilities and recommendations for its implementation
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Spoken language
intellectual disability
speech therapy
distance learning Lenguaje hablado
discapacidad intelectual
enseñanza a distancia

How to Cite

Ayuso Lanchares, A., & Santiago Pardo, R. B. (2022). Analysis of the face-to-face and online application of dialogic reading for people with intellectual disabilities and recommendations for its implementation. Aula Abierta, 51(4), 375–383.


The COVID-19 crisis has led to an increase in the use of videoconferencing for educational inclusion. One of the practices to be carried out with people with intellectual disabilities through videoconferencing is dialogic reading, characterised by simultaneous reading aloud and group reading using interactive techniques. The aim of this study is to analyse the process of applying dialogic reading with people with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) in two modalities: face-to-face and virtual. A case study is used with a mixed methodology, with the participation of 10 adults with MID, carrying out 5 face-to-face and 5 online dialogic reading sessions. Video recordings of sessions, Mean Sentence Length (MSL), percentage of communicative interaction and an ad hoc Likert questionnaire, filled in at the end of both face-to-face and online dialogic reading, were used. The results indicate that both modalities are satisfactory, but it should be noted that in the face-to-face sessions the following are greater: the self-perception of improvement, the amount of personal opinions expressed and the initiative of the participants; in the virtual sessions the MSL and the percentage of communicative interaction of the speech therapist are greater. Finally, recommendations are made for online dialogic reading sessions with adults with MID.
PDF (Español (España))


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