A Systematic Literature Review of the Research on Phonics in the English-speaking World and in Spain


rrevisión sistemática de la literatura
educación primaria
educación infantil Phonics
Phonemic awareness
Primary education
Pre-primary education

How to Cite

Fernández Molina, J., & English. (2023). A Systematic Literature Review of the Research on Phonics in the English-speaking World and in Spain. Aula Abierta, 52(1), 91–100. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.1.2023.91-100


A growing body of literature recognises the complexity of English literacy. It is well established that Phonics plays a pivotal role in its instruction, despite some uncertainty with regards to the degree to which practitioners should resort exclusively to the synthetic Phonics’ methodology and materials. This paper seeks to explore the contribution to the existing research on the part of Spanish academics. The hypothesis established theorizes that research in Spain lags behind investigations worldwide, which began earlier. Hence, the trend is to convert to that worldwide predisposition. Findings suggest that the scarce research conducted thus far in Spain positively contributes to our understanding of the most suitable pedagogy of English literacy in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environments. Similarly, results endorse the need to adapt Phonics to non-native speakers. Considerably more work is needed, as many aspects of the appropriateness of Phonics within the idiosyncrasy of the Spanish educational system remains to be elucidated.



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