The evolution of the schooling of students in Special Education in Spain: 25 years after the Salamanca Declaration
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Educación Inclusiva
Necesidades Educativas Especiales
Educación Especial
Modelos de Escolarización
Respuesta a la Diversidad Inclusive Education
Special Educational Needs
Special Education
Schooling Models
Response to Diversity

How to Cite

Sandoval Mena, M., Álvarez-Rementería Álvarez, M., & Darretxe Urrutxi, L. (2022). The evolution of the schooling of students in Special Education in Spain: 25 years after the Salamanca Declaration. Aula Abierta, 51(4), 385–394.


The Salamanca Statement (1994) stated that the holistic learning and development of all learners takes place in mainstream classrooms without exception and, therefore, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Acknowledging the existing tensions, for example, in relation to the schooling of students with SEN, it highlights the capacity and resources of mainstream schools to guarantee the right to education for all students. The main objective of this article is to characterise pupils attending special schools and to analyse its evolution from the Salamanca Declaration (1994) to 2020. For this purpose, a longitudinal descriptive methodology has been used through the statistics of the Spanish Ministry of Education by means of graphic and analytical techniques. The results show an increase in the diagnosis of SEN mainly assumed by ordinary and public schools, highlighting notable differences between Autonomous Communities. The number of children enrolled in special schools, however, remains stable. Conclusions point to the risk of turning Inclusive Education into a rhetorical issue, requiring an intersectional perspective that allows progress to be made in educational policies that guarantee access, participation and educational success for all students.
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