How do Catalan rural schools position themselves in relation to the territorial dimension? A look from their school projects
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territorial dimension
rural school
social capital
rural development
cross-sectional study dimensión territorial
escuela rural
capital social
desarrollo rural
estudio transversal

How to Cite

Carrete-Marín, N., & Buscà, F. (2022). How do Catalan rural schools position themselves in relation to the territorial dimension? A look from their school projects. Aula Abierta, 51(4), 367–374.


The rural school of the 21st century must adopt a fundamental role as a driving force in local development and as a generator of social capital and, therefore, school projects must include the territorial dimension, working together with the community and local agents, in order to promote equity and reduce inequalities in these contexts. The aim of this article is to analyze the presence of the territorial dimension in schools through the documents and educational projects of a representative sample of 193 Catalan rural schools by means of a descriptive cross-sectional study. The results show that, despite the existence of educational projects and good practices that confirm the treatment of the territorial dimension from a rural perspective, most of the schools' websites do not clearly reflect either their intention or how their educational practices achieve it. Nor do they show whether this treatment is developed in collaboration with the educational community and local entities. The conclusions refer to the need to consider improvements in the visibility of territorial dimension work in schools.
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