The Strava Educational Project aims to promote physical activity and social skill development in students through the monitoring of tasks and challenges related to Physical Education lessons. This study investigates the impact of the project on student motivation and the factors that contribute to their participation in physical activity. A mixed design was used, combining a quantitative phase using the Psychological Needs Satisfaction in PE Scale (SPE-NE) and the Perceived Locus of Causality Scale (PLOC), as well as questions about practice intention, and a qualitative phase through semi-structured interviews. 126 students (67 boys and 59 girls) from 1st ESO and 1st BAT participated in the study. The results showed that student motivation varied from primarily extrinsic to increasingly self-determined motivation, and that social relationships became the most influential psychological need, especially in older students, positively relating to the intention to be physically active. It is concluded that the Strava Educational Project is a useful didactic proposal for promoting physical activity in young people, as it has managed to involve them in the initiative and contribute to making them more physically active individuals.
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