Prácticum analysis in Early Childhood and Primary Education Studies in Spanish universities
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guía docente
analisis de contenido
grupo de discusión
Formación del profesorado practicum
curriculum guides
content analysis
focus group
teacher training

How to Cite

Verger-Gelabert, S., Riera-Negre, L., Rosselló-Ramón, M. R., & Mut-Amengual, B. (2023). Prácticum analysis in Early Childhood and Primary Education Studies in Spanish universities. Aula Abierta, 52(1), 81–90.


The main objective of this study is to analyse the implementation of the Prácticum in the curricula of the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education degrees in Spanish universities, both public and private.

In order to carry out this study, the field work has been divided into two clearly differentiated parts. The first part is of a quantitative nature, and it analyses a total of 123 curriculum guides of the aforementioned degrees, corresponding to 63 universities that offer these studies—out of a total of 82 universities that make up the Spanish university panorama. As for the second part, it is of a qualitative nature and, by means of the focus group technique, it analyses and contrasts the data extracted from the first analysis, thus connecting the first part of the research with the second.

This study identifies a series of characteristics of the Prácticum which are common to all Spanish universities: great similarity in the curriculum guides, their location in the third year, the little participation of the student in their evaluation, and their separation from the FDP. Such characteristics suggest a strong division between the academic world and schools.
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