Relationship between mathematical competence and reading competence of pre-service teachers, with a gender perspective
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regression analysis análisis de regresión

How to Cite

Mirete, L., Bas-Peña, E., & Maquilón, J. J. (2023). Relationship between mathematical competence and reading competence of pre-service teachers, with a gender perspective. Aula Abierta, 52(1), 53–60.


Reading and mathematical competences are necessary to achieve personal development and self-fulfillment. The aim of this study has been to assess—with a gender perspective—the mathematical competence and reading competence of pre-service teachers, and to make progress in the knowledge about the relationship between these two skills. A cross-sectional quantitative research design has been used. The questionnaire that has been applied involved two assessment instruments about mathematical and reading competence. 209 first year students have participated (female = 67%) from the degree in Primary Education at the University of Murcia (Spain). A statistically significant difference (p < 0.01) in mathematical competence and reading competence has been found, in favour of men. The findings of this study deepen and increase the knowledge about the relationship between mathematical competence and reading competence, through the use of statistical regression techniques. It has been demonstrated that, among all the cognitive processes of reading competence, only integration of information shows a predictive effect on the probability of being quite or very competent in mathematics. Furthermore, a gender gap in reading competence and mathematical competence, in favour of men, has been shown.
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