Analysis of the reception and assessment by families of an educational innovation programme. An exploratory study
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Educational Innovation
family-school relation
multiple-case study Innovación educativa
Relaciones escuela-familias
Estudio de casos mútiple

How to Cite

Castillo Adrián, J., Collet Sabé, J., Lago, J. R., & Tort Bardolet, A. (2024). Analysis of the reception and assessment by families of an educational innovation programme. An exploratory study. Aula Abierta, 53(1), 63–70.


Especially over the last two decades, many schools in Spain have initiated processes of educational innovation. In these processes, in general, families have been little taken into account, despite the fact that they are a key actor in the educational community. The exploratory research analyses, based on the methodology of multiple cases, the expectations, reception, interpretation, assessment and self-positioning of families in relation to this process of innovation at different educational stages in five state-subsidised schools in Catalonia (Spain). The results show that families are situated between an understanding of the need for educational changes and doubts about how these may affect their own children; between an overall positive assessment and uncertainty and even rejection of specific elements. To conclude, this exploratory research points to the need for further analysis of the role of families in innovation and the recommendation to involve them all in these processes, especially those families that are furthest away from the school culture or invisible families.
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