Family socio-educational interventions in school and community settings
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family prevention
family-school-community relationship
family intervention
evidence-based practice relación familia-escuela-comunidad
intervención familiar
práctica basada en la evidencia
prevención familiar

How to Cite

Gomila Grau, M. A., Pascual Barrio, B., Amer, J., & Orte, C. (2023). Family socio-educational interventions in school and community settings. Aula Abierta, 52(2), 185–193.


Family-based socio-educational interventions throughout evidence-based programs (EBP) allow family-school-community collaboration when they are implemented in school and community environments. This study aims to better know the impact of these programs both on families and on their participation in school and community, as well as on professionals and their bond with families. The study sets out a qualitative methodology. 6 focus groups have been carried out, counting with the participation of 23 professionals from school and community environments that have participated as trainers of a EBP in two versions, one of universal prevention and one selective. The results show that participation in the program improves the communication skills of families, reinforces their confidence and self-concept. It promotes the creation of links between families and between families and schools and community services. In vulnerable families the level of effectiveness is limited, although the analysis reports improvements in family communication or awareness of shared responsibility. The study identifies limitations in coordination between the school and community settings.
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