The organisation of classrooms in early childhood and primary education: space as a key element in the transition.
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school readiness
learning spaces
Analysis of pictures
transition from early childhood education to primary education aula
transición educación infantil-educación primaria
análisis de imágenes
preparación para la escuela

How to Cite

González-Moreira, A., Ferreira, C., & Vidal, J. (2023). The organisation of classrooms in early childhood and primary education: space as a key element in the transition. Aula Abierta, 52(3), 271–279.


The transition from early childhood education to primary school can be an opportunity or a negative experience that is carried over from the compulsory stage. One of the changes during this process is the classroom, which conditions the methodology and the type of learning that takes place in it. The aim of this article is to detect the changes in the classrooms of the last year of infant education and the first year of primary education as an element that affects the transition. The results show differences between kindergarten and primary school classrooms within the centres analysed and similarities between classrooms at each stage. It is concluded that there is a lack of continuity between kindergarten and primary classrooms which does not facilitate the transition between these stages.
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