Enhancing SDGs in Adult Education through autobiographical texts: gender, interculturality and multimodality
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life stories
critical thinking
learning by doing multialfabetización
literatura memorialística
pensamiento crítico
aprendizaje por experiencia

How to Cite

Castellano Sanz, M. (2023). Enhancing SDGs in Adult Education through autobiographical texts: gender, interculturality and multimodality. Aula Abierta, 52(3), 229–236. https://doi.org/10.17811/rifie.52.3.2023.229-236


Lifelong learning is a core component of a society and empowers people for active citizenship. The implementation of an intersectional gender perspective is one of the main objectives of the 2030 Agenda and the basis of the "People" axis (goals 1 to 5). Due to their transversal role and their contribution to lifelong learning, Vocational Training Centres (CFPA in Spanish) provide transformative teaching practices that deserve to be acknowledged. The main goal of this study is to introduce a learning situation based on the Pedagogy of the Multiliteracies and elaborated taking into account the contemporary autobiographic literature written by women who live between cultures. Implemented as an interdisciplinary workshop in a group of Valencian language students at a CFPA in Algemesí (València), the qualitative research methodology (with semi-structured interviews) shows how representation as a migrant subject helps in the identitary construction process and the intercultural mediation. Through the four stages of Learning by Design Methodology (experiencing, analyzing, conceptualizing, and applying), Sustainable Development Goals focused on gender equality and reduction of inequalities have been introduced, so as to enhance a critical attitude to cope with the evolving challenges of today's societies.

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