Student perceptions of teachers with respect to Creating an Enabling Environment for Learning. Preliminary data
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student's attitude
teacher attitude
learning environment
class climate
learning conditions actitud del alumno
actitud del profesor
ambiente de aprendizaje
clima de la clase
condiciones de aprendizaje

How to Cite

Ortega Cabezas, P. A., & Fernández-Río, J. (2024). Student perceptions of teachers with respect to Creating an Enabling Environment for Learning. Preliminary data. Aula Abierta, 53(1), 25–36.


This research had one main goal: to use the domain B “create an environment conducive to learning” of the official document “Standards for the Teaching Profession Framework for Good Teaching” (EPDMBE) to obtain information from the students’ perspective of a broad sample of secondary education students from different regions of Chile on the use of the standards of this domain in class by their teachers. The research design was quantitative, ex post facto prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive. A total of 425 students from four regions of Chile participated: Coquimbo, Los Lagos, Metropolitan, Valparaíso. Information was collected by means of a questionnaire. The results showed significantly lower values in Valparaíso and Coquimbo regarding the creation of a socioemotionally safe classroom environment and collaborative strategies. In conclusion, teachers in these regions require training to create an adequate classroom environment and collaborative work strategies for their students.
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