The protective role of emotional intelligence and its dark side
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Inteligencia emocional
Valor predictivo
Estudiantes universitarios
Sexo Emotional Intelligence
predictive value
university students

How to Cite

Gonzalez, R., Zalazar-Jaime, M. F., Richaud de Minzi, M. C., & Medrano, L. A. (2024). The protective role of emotional intelligence and its dark side. Aula Abierta, 53(2), 191–198.


University life is a life-changing experience in which students must adapt to academic pressures, facing difficult and stressful situations that lead to an increase in negative emotional states. It has been observed that Self-Perceived Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is related to low levels of negative affectivity (NA) and high levels of positive affectivity (PA). However, several investigations have shown that the SEI does not always lead to positive results, observing a dark side in it. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between affectivity and the SEI, establishing the contribution of the SEI as a predictor of the affective state, based on gender differences in university students. The sample consisted of 374 students who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the TMMS-24 and the PANAS. Results: Although the SEI has a predictive value in Affectivity (it has a higher prediction in NA for women and in PA for men), it is necessary to analyze the SEI based on each of its three dimensions (attention, clarity and repair), not as a single factor. Knowing the beliefs that students have about their own emotional abilities allows predicting, in a certain way, their affective states.
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