Study of digital competence in Colombian high school students
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digital competence
secondary education
digital divide TIC
competencia digital
educación secundaria
brecha digital

How to Cite

Rodríguez Fuentes, A., Betín de la Hoz, A. B., Caurcel Cara, M. J., & Gallardo Montes, C. del P. (2024). Study of digital competence in Colombian high school students. Aula Abierta, 53(2), 119–128.


ICT became main and indisputable protagonists of the teaching-learning process. Teachers and students took on that challenge. Research on ICT in the educational curriculum has mainly focused on the mastery of digital tools by secondary education students. However, it is not enough for students to have instrumental knowledge about ICT; they must make a safe, critical, and reflective use of them. This research aims to assess the level of digital competence among secondary education students at a public institute in Bogotá (Colombia), as well as to determine the influence of variables such as gender, age, and academic grade on the level of digital competence. The methodological design is quantitative, with a descriptive and non-experimental cross-sectional scope. The sample consisted of 777 students from sixth to eleventh grade of secondary education. The results showed that the level of digital competence in the sample was low, approaching the basic level, consistent with other similar research. State-level educational policies are essential to guide curriculum design and promote the acquisition and development of digital competence in classrooms.
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