No. 14 (2015)


Rafael Bernad Mainar
From the legitimate share to family reserve germanic
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Gábor Hamza
Codification of private law in hungary and the tradition of roman law
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Andrea Trisciuoglio
Banking of cities in the classical period (I- III century A.D.)
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María Salazar Revuelta
The formation of the principle of good faith in roman law and in the roman law tradition and its projection in european union law
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Carmen López-Rendo Rodríguez
From vicesima hereditatium to the inheritance tax under Spanish law
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Mariagrazia Rizzi
Metrological Harmonization and Commercial Exchange in the Mediterranean at the End of the 2nd Century B.C.: The Athenian Decree on Weights and Measures
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Armando Torrent
The connection edicta praetoria-edictum provinciale in the chapter 85 of lex irnitana
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Margarita Fuenteseca
Federico Battaglia, La parte e il tutto. L’oggetto del furto nel pensiero dei giuristi romani, Monboso, Pavia, 2012, 190 págs
PDF (Español (España))
Alfonso Agudo
Antonio Fernández de Buján, La deuda histórica del arbitraje moderno, Dykinson, Madrid, 2014, 219 págs
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Belén Fernández Vizcaíno
Piracy in the Roman republic: lex gabinia de piratis persequendis
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Gábor Hamza Universidad Eötvös Loránd
Iván Siklósi: A nemlétező, érvénytelen és hatálytalan jogügyletek elméleti és dogmatikai kérdései a római jogban és a modern jogokban (Theoretical and Dogmatical Questions of the Inexistence, Invalidity, and Ineffectiveness of Juridical Acts in Roman law and in Modern Legal Systems), ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest, 2014, 452 págs
PDF (Español (España))
Margarita Fuenteseca
Modesto Barcia Lago, Género y ciudadanía. Un debate actual iluminado por las estrellas de la noche griega, Diputación de Pontevedra, 2014, 334 págs
PDF (Español (España))
Gustavo de las Heras
Justo García, Querella contra el Dr. Tomás Serrano de Paz (POR el fiscal del obispo Caballero de Paredes CON el letrado del cabildo). Año 1656, Oviedo, RIDEA, 2014, 670 págs. + CD
PDF (Español (España))