Family educational practices and parental mediation vs mobile and internet devices
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Ramírez-García, A., & Gómez-Moreno, R. (2020). Family educational practices and parental mediation vs mobile and internet devices. Aula Abierta, 49(2), 121–130.


Family educational practices have changed as a result of a digitized society, especially the mediation strategies applied by parents regarding the use and consumption of mobile devices at home. The quantitative research used as information collection instruments the EMBU-C and EU Kids online II questionnaires, applied to 180 school children in 5th and 6th year of Primary Education. Results show a family practice based on emotional warmth and child protection, as well as a majority implementation of active mediation strategies in the use and consumption of mobile devices. In conclusion, it is necessary to systematize the different existing classifications on parental mediation, not only to identify which are the most used, but also to determine the most effective ones in relation to media literacy at home.

Keywords: Internet; parental mediation; parental practices; mobile devices; media literacy
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