Service-learning in the Spanish university system. A study focused on course evaluation
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educación superior
cultura docente Service-Learning
higher education
teaching culture

How to Cite

Lorenzo Moledo, M., Ruíz de Miguel, C., Arbués Radigales, E., Martínez Usarralde, M. J., Buenestado Fernández, M., & Mella Núñez, Ígor. (2020). Service-learning in the Spanish university system. A study focused on course evaluation. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 353–362.


In this article, 41 Service-Learning (SL) courses have been evaluated in 5 Spanish universities (4 public and 1 private), in order to determine whether they are SL initiatives or other type of educational practices. These experiences, which were implemented during the 2015/2016 academic year, covered degree programs from the five knowledge areas. Most of them involved Bachelor’s degree students and only one of them Master’s degree students. A qualitative methodology has been used, focused on content analysis and based on evaluations made by four experts. The analysis of the experiences points out an encouraging course of action for this methodology in the Spanish university system, showing a certain change in the teaching culture, as they all meet the basic requirements which, according to international literature, must be present in service-learning projects and are also considered as criteria for assessing quality in such projects. Finally, a three-way action is presented, to open new prospects of educational innovation and social responsibility through Service-Learning possibilities in Higher Education.
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