Teaching innovation is an area of increasing interest in terms of the institutionalization of equality and diversity policies. The objectives of this qualitative study are to ascertain the institutionalization of teaching innovation on equality and diversity at the national level in Spain, as well as the meanings and experiences of the teaching staff on projects awarded within this modality at a specific university. The information contained in the websites of Spanish universities on innovation in equality and diversity limited to four academic years (2016 / 17-2019-20) has been recorded and analyzed and, as a case study, interviews have been carried out with teaching staff with projects in this matter and to those responsible for innovation. The results show that, despite the efforts made by Spanish university institutions in recent academic years, a joint proposal for inclusive attention to diversity is not offered in teaching innovation programs. The fragmentation of diversity, inclusion and equality perceived by teachers encourages us to consider and design actions to improve the coordination of university policies and classroom practice.
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