This article reproduces the conversation between a PhD candidate and her supervisor as the latter invites her to reflect on the teacher’s creativity in relation to the curriculum.
This reflection prompts a brief presentation on each of their own perspectives on the idea of “curriculum as creation” and “the creation of the curriculum”, based on their own intellectual and professional experiences. In the exchange of stories, reflections, and arguments proposed in the article, the perspective, narration, and indications of the pedagogical creativity of a primary school teacher and a researcher on education unfold. The PhD candidate contributes with questions, findings, and narrative constructions regarding her "return to school", after a certain professional journey outside primary education. On the other hand, the researcher narrates his reflections about pedagogical creativity alluding to some curriculum debates and research experiences, in order to interpellate the PhD candidate from her successive approaches to her abandonment of the "rhetoric of the curriculum" as an interpretative framework for the productivity of teachers. From the conversation between the two emerge some clues about the potentialities and limits of pedagogical narratives to account for the way in which the curriculum can be understood as a selective and consensual tradition of cultural transmission and, at the same time, as a territory for the creative experience of teachers in schools
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