Validation of teacher self-efficacy scales from the perspective of specialized knowledge for the teaching of mathematics
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Teacher´s self-efficacy
specialized knowledge
primary education
initial teacher training
MTSK Autoeficacia docente
conocimiento especializado
educación primaria
formación inicial del profesorado

How to Cite

Avilés-Canché, K., & Marbán, J. M. (2024). Validation of teacher self-efficacy scales from the perspective of specialized knowledge for the teaching of mathematics. Aula Abierta, 53(3), 247–256.


Teachers, through their activity as mediators between students and mathematical knowledge, are a key element in the achievement of a quality mathematical education. Their actions are conditioned by affective and cognitive factors, that should be considered from the beginning of their training. Thus, this study focuses on the perceived self-efficacy of primary school teachers in initial training from the perspective of the MTSK (Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge) model. For this purpose, two self-efficacy scales are validated, one focused on Mathematical Content Knowledge and another focused on Pedagogical Content Knowledge. The methodological procedure to determine the validity and reliability of both scales is reported. Both an adequate adjustment according to the theoretical structure of the MTSK model and a high reliability are observed, so they are considered useful as a starting point for measuring perceived self-efficacy in terms of specialized knowledge for the teaching of mathematics throughout initial training of primary teachers.
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