Two important legal advances of roman civilization in matters of obligation
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Suárez Blázquez, G. (2023). Two important legal advances of roman civilization in matters of obligation. RIDROM. International Journal of Roman Law, 1(31), 243–295.


With this study we make an analysis of the historical - legal causes that gave rise to and evolved the corporal legal concept of obligation to the abstract legal concept of obligation. The creation of this concept involved the elimination of the idea of the personal power of the creditor and of the debtor’s imprisonment, chains and physical subjection. We also analyze the evolution of the personal execution of the subject, his slavery, and even death to satisfy the claim of his creditor, as well as the evolution towards a system of exclusively universal patrimonial liability for debts. Both achievements were the fruit of the genius of Roman legal civilization, which acted in various directions, legislative, procedural and jurisprudential for centuries. These solid and enduring foundations of the law of obligations have passed into our modern civil systems. Specifically, article 1008 of our Civil Code provides: "Every obligation consists in giving, doing or not doing something"; and article 1911: "The debtor is responsible for all his present and future assets".
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