Parental involvement in Primary School Education in Cyprus: What do the main stakeholders say?

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Savva, M., & Symeou, L. (2019). Parental involvement in Primary School Education in Cyprus: What do the main stakeholders say?. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 105–112.


This paper presents the findings of the first part of a three-stage mixed method research study which investigates parental involvement in primary school education in Cyprus, and in particular the role of parents in this sector of education in Cyprus. The findings presented in this paper are based on the analysis of four interviews from major stakeholders in Cyprus. The interviewees consisted of the former Director of Primary School Education, the Chairman of Cyprus Primary Schools Teachers 'Union, the Chairman of the Pancyprian Confederation of Parents' Association of Primary School Education, and the Chairman of the Pancyprian School of Parents.



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